§ 10-22. Examining boards.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The board of county commissioners shall establish a contractors examining board and such other examining boards as it deems necessary for the proper administration of this article. The contractors examining board shall consist of ten members who have been residents of the county for at least two years prior to the date of their appointment. Each county commissioner shall appoint one member to the contractors examining board. The remaining five members shall be appointed at large by the entire board. Appointments to the contractors examining board shall include one member from each of the following fields:


    An architect licensed to do business in the state.


    An engineer licensed to do business in the state.


    A swimming pool, roofing, or other specialty contractor.


    A general, residential, or building contractor.


    An electrical contractor.


    A plumbing contractor.


    A mechanical or air conditioning contractor.

    Appointments to the contractors examining board shall also include three members from the following interest areas consistent with the requirements of F.S. § 489.131(10):


    Consumer representatives. The term of office of each member of the contractors examining board shall be for four years, but the board of county commissioners may remove any member of the contractors examining board at any time. Members appointed to fill vacancies caused by death, resignation, or removal shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term of their predecessors. The members of the contractors examining board shall serve without compensation. The term of office of each consumer representative to the contractors examining board shall be for four years. The board of county commissioners may remove any member of the contractors examining board at any time.


    Each examining board member, other than the architect, engineer and consumer representatives appointed to the contractors examining board, shall hold a current and active state-certified license, or a current and active state registered license in the relevant contracting field. Each contractors examining board member holding a state registered contractor's license shall also hold a current active county certificate of competency as appropriate to his appointment. The architect and engineer appointed to the contractors examining board shall hold current and active licenses issued by the state department of business and professional regulation for their respective professions. The consumer representatives may be any resident of the county meeting the requirements of subsection (a) of this section who is not and has never been a member or practitioner of a profession regulated by the board or a member of any closely related profession.


    The contractors examining board shall elect a chairman, vice-chairman, a secretary and such other officers as may be necessary from among its members. Election of officers shall be conducted annually in January.


    The contractors examining board shall hold not less than four regular meetings each year, one in July, one in October, one in January, and one in April. The meeting shall be called to order by the chairperson of the board and in his absence by the vice-chairperson of the board.


    The contractors examining board shall have the authority to make such bylaws, rules and regulations governing its body, as it may deem necessary; provided that the same do not conflict with other regulations of the county or the constitution and laws of the United States or the state. Six members of a board shall constitute a quorum at any meeting and a majority vote of those present shall be required to make any decision.


    Absence from two consecutive meetings of an examining board shall vacate the seat of that member, unless such absence is excused by the board or its chairperson. Such excuse shall be duly entered upon the minutes of the board. If a majority of the board members disagree with the chairperson's decision on the matter, they may overrule it by affirmative vote.


    The contractors examining board shall review and approve or deny applications for county certificates of competency as established by resolution of the board of county commissioners.

(Code 1982, § 2-5-4; Ord. No. 92-04, pt. B, 4-7-1992; Ord. No. 93-10, pt. C, 5-11-1993; Ord. No. 96-013, pt. A, 5-28-1996; Ord. No. 98-022, pt. A, 10-20-1998)