§ 10-23. Display of state registration and county certification numbers.  

Latest version.
  • Any contractor regulated pursuant to this article shall include its county certification number, and if required to be registered as a contractor by the state shall only be required to display its state registration number in any newspaper, airwave transmission, phone directory, other advertising medium that is primarily circulated, displayed, distributed or marketed within the county and offers services of the contractor which are regulated by this article. For the purpose of this article, the term "advertise" shall apply to business cards, business stationary, business proposals, contracts, construction site signs, handbills, billboards, flyers, trade association publications, classified advertisements, and manufacturer's authorized dealer listings, and signs on vehicles, but shall not include balloons, pencils, pens, hats, articles of clothing or other promotional novelties, or free phone directory listings of one to three lines which display only the contractor's name and telephone number in whole or in part unbolded or unhighlighted print or without further textual or pictorial elaboration in the overall display. All contractors licensed under this article shall prominently display the contractor's name or name of the business organization for which he is qualifying agent and the contractor's state registration number or county certification number if they are not required to be registered as a contractor by the state on all contractor-owned motor vehicles used in transporting equipment and/or materials to a construction site, when the vehicle is on a construction or job site. The minimum height of each number or letter shall be two inches. This information shall be affixed and plainly visible in two locations on each such motor vehicle.

(Code 1982, § 2-5-6; Ord. No. 92-04, pt. B, 4-7-1992; Ord. No. 93-10, pt. D, 5-11-1993; Ord. No. 99-24, pt. A, 7-27-1999)