§ 8-17. Enforcement.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The county shall be responsible for enforcement of the primary guiding documents.


    The airport manager is empowered to require compliance with and enforce the primary guiding documents.


    Any entity who violates, disobeys, omits, neglects, or refuses to comply with the primary guiding documents or any lawful order issued pursuant thereto may be cited, removed from the airport, denied the use of the airport, and/or prevented from engaging in activities at the airport and shall be subject to all legal, equitable, statutory, and common law rights and remedies available to the county, including, but not limited to, actions for declaratory relief, injunctive relief, specific performance, and damages.


    Any entity failing to comply or knowingly and/or willfully violating with the primary guiding documents shall be guilty of a violation of law in accordance with section 1-7.


    In the event an entity fails to comply with the primary guiding documents, the airport manager shall send a written statement of violation to such entity at its last known address. The entity shall have ten days within which to provide a statement to the county explaining why the violation occurred and to advise the airport manager that the violation has been corrected. The airport manager has the right to revoke the entity's privileges at the airport or may suspend the operations for such period of time as deemed necessary in order to obtain a correction of the violation. In addition, any such violations shall be considered in renewing the entity's application. The entity shall pay for any costs incurred by the airport, including, but not limited to, attorney fees, under this subsection.


    Any person denied use of the airport due to a violation of the primary guiding documents may only use the airport for the purpose of enplaning or deplaning (as a passenger) aircraft using the airport.


    Unless otherwise specified in the primary guiding documents, parties aggrieved by a decision of the airport manager related to the primary guiding documents may appeal (in writing) such decision to the BOCC within ten days after such decision is issued. The decision of the BOCC on such appeal shall be final.

(Code 1982, § 1-2.3-33; Ord. No. 07-051, pt. B, 12-4-2007)