§ 22-54. Administrator; authority and responsibilities.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    The authority and responsibility for administering this article shall be vested in the administrator.


    The administrator shall:


    Receive written complaints as hereinafter provided relative to alleged unlawful acts under this article.


    Upon receiving a written complaint, he shall refer the matter to the appropriate state or federal authorities for legal action.


    Establish, administer or review programs at the request of the board and make reports on such programs to the board.


    Bring to the attention of the board items that may require the board's notice or action to resolve.


    Cooperate with federal, state, local, and other public and private agencies, organizations and institutions which are formulating or carrying on programs to prevent or eliminate the unlawful discriminatory practices covered by the provisions of this article.

(Code 1982, § 1-10.5-31; Ord. No. 92-06, pt. A, 1-23-1992)