§ 20-232. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Domestic septage means all solid waste containing human feces, or residuals of such, which have not been stabilized or disinfected. Not included are food service sludges and industrial wastes.

    Domestic (sewage) wastewater treatment sludge means any sludge generated by a domestic wastewater treatment plant.

    Food service sludge means oils, greases and grease trap pumpings generated in the food service industry.

    Grade I domestic septage means domestic septage which has been properly stabilized.

    Grade I sludge means a stabilized sludge which does not exceed the following parameters:


    Cadmium less than 30 mg/kg dry weight.


    Copper less than 900 mg/kg dry weight.


    Lead less than 100 mg/kg dry weight.


    Nickel less than 100 mg/kg dry weight.


    Zinc less than 1,800 mg/kg dry weight.

    Grade II sludge means a stabilized sludge which does not exceed the following parameters:


    Cadmium 30 through 100 mg/kg dry weight.


    Copper 900 through 3,000 mg/kg dry weight.


    Lead 1,000 through 1,500 mg/kg dry weight.


    Nickel 100 through 500 mg/kg dry weight.


    Zinc 1,800 through 10,000 mg/kg dry weight.

    Grade III sludge means a stabilized sludge which exceeds the parameters used to define Grade II sludge.

    Hazardous waste means waste which have one or more of the following properties: Ignitable, corrosive, reactive or toxic.

    Industrial sludges means all sludges that are primarily composed of materials generated through a manufacturing or other industrial process.

    Stabilization means the use of a treatment to render sludge or septage less odorous and putrescible, and to reduce the pathogenic content as described in Chapter 6 of EPA 625/1-79-011, Process Design Manual for Sludge Treatment and Disposal. This manual is adopted and made a part of this article by reference. A copy of this document may be obtained by writing the department of environmental protection, and may be inspected at all DEP offices.

    Treatment means the process of altering the character or physical or chemical condition of the waste to prevent pollution of water, air or soil, to safeguard the public health or enable the waste to be recycled.

(Code 1982, § 1-10-22; Ord. No. 87-98, pt. A, 12-15-1987)