§ 12-191. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except when the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Adult entertainment establishment means adult bookstores and theaters, special cabarets and unlicensed massage establishments regulated pursuant to F.S. ch. 847, and defined in F.S. 847.001, as may be amended, and strip clubs.

    Bodywork services means services involving therapeutic touching or manipulation of the body using specialized techniques.

    Business or establishment means any place of business or any club, organization, person, firm, corporation or partnership, wherein massage or bodywork services are provided and such establishment is not owned by a health care profession regulated pursuant to F.S. ch. 456, and defined in F.S. 456.001, as may be amended.

    Human trafficking means transporting, soliciting, recruiting, harboring, providing, enticing, maintaining, or obtaining another person for the purpose of exploitation of that person regulated pursuant to F.S. ch. 787, and defined in F.S. § 787.06, as may be amended.

    Massage services means the manipulation of the soft tissues of the human body with the hand, foot, arm, or elbow, whether or not such manipulation is aided by hydrotherapy, including colonic irrigation, or thermal therapy; any electrical or mechanical device; or the application to the human body of a chemical or herbal preparation.

( Ord. No. 16-14 , pt. A, 8-16-2016)