§ 10-98. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

    Advertise means to tell about, communicate, inform, advise, in or through any public or private manner or form, including, but not limited to through newspapers, handbills, or flyers, business cards, magazines, telephone directories, radio, television, telephone solicitation, and/or conversation.

    Board means the county contractor examining board, as established by this Code.

    Certificate means a certificate of competency issued by the board, the state department of business and professional regulation, or construction industry licensing board.

    Certification means the act of obtaining or holding a certificate of competency from the board, the state department of business and professional regulation, or the construction industry licensing board.

    Certified contractor means any contractor who possesses a certificate of competency issued by the board, the state department of business and professional regulation, or the construction industry licensing board.

    Code enforcement officer means any authorized agent or employee of the county whose duty it is to ensure code compliance and is authorized by the community development director to enforce this article.

    Contractor means the person who is qualified for and shall only be responsible for the entire project contracted for and means, except as exempted in F.S. ch. 489, and section 10-21, the person who, for compensation, undertakes to, submits a bid to, or does himself or by others construct, repair, alter, remodel, add to, subtract from, or improve any building or structure, including related improvements to real estate, for others or for resale to others.

    Licensed means possessing the certificates required pursuant to F.S. ch. 489, pts. I and II, and/or this Code (and the successor statutes and ordinances to the above as they may be amended from time to time). It may also mean having an appropriate occupational license.

    Qualifying agent means a person as defined in F.S. § 489.105(4) and (5).

    Registered contractor means any contractor who has registered with the state department of business and professional regulation pursuant to fulfilling the competency requirements of the board.

    Repeat violation means a recurring violation of a provision of this article by a violator who has previously found to have violated the same provisions, or a violator against whom penalties were assessed for the same provision, within five years prior to the current violation.

    Serve means that all notices required by this article shall be provided to the alleged violator by certified mail, return receipt requested; by hand delivery by the sheriff or other law enforcement officer or code enforcement officer; or by leaving the notice at the alleged violator's usual place of residence with some person of his or her family above 15 years of age and informing such person of the contents of the notice.

(Code 1982, § 1-6.8-22; Ord. No. 94-12, pt. A, 12-20-1994)