§ 10-61. Same—Voluntary inactive status.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Upon receipt of a written request and payment of the inactive status fee from the holder of a current and active certificate of competency, the director shall place the certificate of competency on inactive status. The request for inactive status shall contain the date the certificate of competency is to be placed on inactive status and shall be signed and dated by the certificate holder. The holder of an inactive certificate of competency shall not be permitted to engage in the business of contracting while the certificate remains on inactive status.


    A certificate holder seeking to activate an inactive certificate of competency shall submit the following to the director for presentation to the appropriate examining board:


    A completed application form.


    Proof of payment of the application fee prescribed by resolution of the board of county commissioners.


    An original credit report not less than six months old at the time of submittal.


    An original financial statement not less than six months old at the time of submittal.


    An original and valid certificate of insurance in the amounts and coverages as required under section 10-25.


    If an examination was required when the original certificate of competency was issued, proof of having taken and passed, with a grade of 75 percent or higher if the examination was taken on or before April 7, 1992, or with a grade of 70 percent or higher if the examination was taken after April 7, 1992, an examination approved by the appropriate examining board.


    The holder of a reactivated certificate of competency shall not engage in the business of contracting until a copy of the certificate holder's state-registered license has been provided to the director.


    Applications for reactivation of an inactive certificate of competency will be processed and reviewed in the same manner as an original application for a certificate of competency.


    All holders of inactive certificates of competency shall pay the annual renewal fee for inactive certificates during the month of September.


    The provisions of this section shall not apply to any employee of the United States, the state, any county, municipality, or other political subdivisions, where the employee is required to refrain from the business of contracting as a condition of his employment. Any person seeking to obtain a voluntary inactive status under the provision of this subsection shall submit written notice to the director along with verification of employment and the employer's regulation restricting the ability of the employee to continue engaging in the business of contracting during the term of his employment. Within 30 days of the date of termination of his employment, the employee shall notify the director of the termination and request the employee's certificate of competency be reinstated to active status; or that the employee wishes to have his certificate placed on standard inactive status pursuant to this section. Any employee of the United States, state, any county, municipality, or political subdivision who is required to refrain from the business of contracting as a condition of his employment shall be exempt from any fees associated with obtaining voluntary inactive status for his certificate of competency pursuant to this subsection.

(Code 1982, § 2-5-13; Ord. No. 92-04, pt. B, 4-7-1992; Ord. No. 96-013, pt. A, 5-28-1996)