§ 10-59. Certificate of competency—Issuance.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    An examining board shall issue a certificate of competency upon making the following determinations:


    The applicant, or the qualifying agent, as appropriate, has obtained a score of 70 percent or higher on the required examination and possesses the necessary experience, knowledge and ability required for the type of certificate for which the application is made, or has submitted the alternative information required pursuant to section 10-58(2)g;


    The credit report and financial statement submitted with the application indicate that the applicant possesses a minimum net worth as set forth below:


    General contractor: $10,000.00.


    Building contractor: 5,000.00.


    Residential contractor: 2,500.00.


    Sheet metal contractor: 5,000.00.


    Roofing contractor: 10,000.00.


    Class A A/C contractor: 10,000.00.


    Class B A/C contractor: 5,000.00.


    Mechanical contractor: 10,000.00.


    Commercial pool/spa contractor: 10,000.00.


    Residential pool/spa contractor: 5,000.00.


    Swimming pool/spa maintenance and repair contractor: 1,500.00.


    Electrical contractor: 10,000.00.


    Plumbing contractor: 10,000.00.


    Underground utility (water and sewer) contractor: 10,000.00.


    Underground transmission contractor: 10,000.00.


    Solar heater contractor: 2,500.00.


    All other specialty contractors: 2,500.00.

    An examining board shall not consider the value of an applicant's primary residence in determining the applicant's net worth.


    The applicant possesses a reputation of honesty, integrity and good character, and has not been convicted of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or a felony during the past five years, or been found by the state department of business and professional regulation, the state construction industry licensing board, or the state electrical contractors' licensing board to have violated state law or regulations pertaining to the construction industry or the business of contracting. The lack of honesty, integrity or good character may be established by evidence indicating that:


    The applicant has committed an act during the last three years which, if committed by a licensed contractor, would be grounds for the suspension or revocation of his certificate of competency;


    The applicant has committed an act during the last three years involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or lack of integrity whereby the applicant has benefitted or whereby some injury has been sustained by another; or


    The applicant has refused during the last five years to pay just bills of at least two different persons or firms.


    If the examining board determines from its review and investigation of the application that the applicant is qualified to engage in the business of contracting, as defined herein, the board shall cause a certificate of competency to be issued to the applicant; otherwise, the board shall deny the application.


    The certificate of competency shall show on its face the type of contracting for which it has been issued and shall further indicate that it is subject to revocation or suspension as provided hereunder.

(Code 1982, § 2-5-11; Ord. No. 92-04, pt. B, 4-7-1992; Ord. No. 93-10, pt. G, 5-11-1993)